Seconds - Soap Sampler

Seconds - Soap Sampler

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Box a little battered and bruised, but soaps are perfect.


This set will make the ideal treat for your self.

Our bars are vegan and palm free. 

We ship all of our orders plastic free 


Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Fast delivery, well packed.

I have been using a bar shampoo for about a year. Purchased these Natural Spa sample shampoo and conditioner bars to try. So far very pleased with the results. I wash my hair every day but only condition every 2 or 3 days.. Less is definitely more, very economical. Even though small bars seem to be lasting for ages! Will buy again I'm sure.

s Smith

Seconds - Mini Hair Care/ Face Wash Sampler - gift set with 4 mini shampoo bars

Hilary Tratt
Mini hair care samples

Great idea to enable sampling of lovely scented shampoo bars.

Lillian Billingham
Hair Care and Face Wash

Very pleased with the hair care wash and conditioner, hair feels squeeky clean and when conditioned it is smooth and ready to comb. Face bar is excellent, easy to use and does not dry my skin out.

Dee Kay
Great idea

I’m keen to move over to bars rather than bottles for shampoo and conditioner so great to be able to buy samples at a reasonable price

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