On the Go Kits

New Beginnings

Firstly I would like to say thank you, as without your continued support I would not have been able to make this big leap to our new premises.

You may have seen on social media that in mid-April we made the big move to a much larger industrial unit in Woodbury Salterton ( Devon ).

This move was much needed as we were previously all squished into this tiny little shed at the bottom of my parents garden.


We have now moved in and production is back up and running and keep your eyes peeled as we will be adding lots more products ranges as soon as we can.

Here are a few images of the moving in process and a few of our first batches of product being made in the new warehouse. 


Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with our updates on our new workshop as we being to fill it up with lots of soap, shampoos and more...


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It’s the Fresh on the go kits in the tins

The Natural Spa

I’m interested! Whats in the tins?

Jennifer Blaydon

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